Posts by Jon Dabach
Money Smarts: How to Budget Your Income for Independent Living
I remember moving out for the first time. There were a bunch of expenses I hadn’t even thought of! When you’re living at home or in a dorm, everything is taken care of for you. Of course, you might share the cost of your cell phone or gas or car insurance, but did you know…
Read MoreFive Signs You Need New Friends
We’ve all been there – hanging out with the same group of people since who knows when. We’ve come to accept them for everything they are, faults and all. We’ve already forgiven them for the pain they will cause us in the future because we’re best buds. But, you know what? Being made to feel…
Read MoreFive Ways to Stay Motivated and Achieve Your Goals
Let’s face it: this is the day and age of instant gratification. You want a coffee, order it on your app, and pick it up in 2 minutes. You want a book you heard about, it’ll be at your door in 24-48 hours. No one has to wait for anything anymore. Thus, staying motivated is…
Read MoreHow Social Media Postings can Come Back to Haunt You
We all know how it goes by now: you’re on an epic vacation; an amazing night out with friends; having a marvelous brunch with the ones you love AND you want to share it with your whole social media network. Afterall, it’s just a cocktail/bathing suit/”wasted” shot that you’re sharing to show how much fun…
Read MoreA Closer Look at Why Improvisation Helps Build Team Working Skills
There are a lot of reasons why some people struggle with working closely with others to achieve a common goal, from dealing with social anxiety to just having a difficult time communicating with others. However, learning how to work with a team is one of the most important things you can do as you near…
Read MoreHow to Turn Paddle-Boarding into an Amazing Growth Experience
There is a good reason why paddle boarding is an activity that is often combined with yoga. This activity puts you in an environment where you have to focus on your physical endurance to achieve balance and stability. If you are looking for a form of DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) which will help you grow…
Read MoreEasy, Healthy Snacks to Feed Your Brain
Have you ever heard of “brain food?” Brain food is specifically food that is beneficial to your brain, especially in increasing intellectual power. Who doesn’t want more of that?! Here are some top choices for the most beneficial foods you can feed your brain (and they taste good, too!). Oily Fish Say what? Oily fish?…
Read More4 Smart Ways to Find Your Passion When You Feel Unmotivated
When apathy overwhelms your senses, searching for passion is likely the absolute last thing on your mind. You may find that just navigating daily life zaps all of your remaining energy and drive. Unfortunately, allowing this cyclical pattern to continue can leave you trapped in a world devoid of color. You can break out of…
Read More5 Time Management Tips Every Adult Should Know
Between work and home, and everything else life can have in store for you, it can sometimes feel like you are overloaded with tasks and not nearly enough time to get everything done. If you suffer from issues like anxiety and depression, this kind of intense feeling of never being able to accomplish what you…
Read MoreWardrobe Essentials for Work and School
Dress for the job you want, NOT the job you have. ~Rachel Michael If ever there was truth in a quote , this would be it. Think about it: have you ever seen someone who dresses in sweatpants advance to CEO of a company? Even Mark Zuckerberg, who is a pretty casual dresser, doesn’t dress…
Read More5 Internet Addiction Recovery Techniques to Bring Back the Life You Want
If you find yourself or a loved one spending an unhealthy amount of time online, know that you’re not alone. Internet addiction is affecting a greater number of the population with every year that passes. People who have experienced long-term internet addiction have up to 20% brain shrinkage in the surface area of their brain,…
Read MoreThe Proper Way to Write a Cover Letter
You’re applying for a job and you need to include a cover letter with your resume. Why? Can’t your future employer see everything they need to learn about you in your resume? These days, it’s important to include a cover letter (aside from being mandatory in many job applications) with your resume when you are…
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