Why Choose OPI?
Our ultimate goal is to have young adults live an independent life in the real world, and at OPI we believe that needs to start as soon as possible.
OPI provides a support system of clinical and therapeutic professionals that assist young adult men and women in navigating the challenges they face with medication management, relationships and socialization and finding the right motivation needed to make necessary changes in their life.
From Day One
From day one, participants at OPI live in local apartment complexes in the heart of Los Angeles, California, which provides that real-world environment.
They learn to:
Learn the OPI Difference
What makes OPI unique is its combination of strong clinical support alongside community integration. At OPI we treat the whole person, not just the diagnosis.
Identifying and pursuing their own interests helps our participants see life‘s potential and begin to move forward. Through life coaching sessions and specialization, we help clients develop persistence and resilience: persistence to set and meet goals, and resilience to persevere when life gets hard.
In order for any treatment or transitional program like OPI to work, each young adult must first read as much as they can about it, enough to begin to understand that, if he/she enrolls, they will be able to start to:
I am missing you all greatly, and I mean the entire OPI staff. It was such a great opportunity for me to be able to come to the facility and really learn some great skills that I now put into effect daily without even having to think about it.
Weaving a Support Net
As much as it may be possible, they must be able to feel some small degree of excitement about the possibilities that lie ahead for them in that program. They must believe there could be “a light at the end of the tunnel” and know that appropriate individualized structure, oversight, continuum of care and compassionate support will be afforded them, there.
At the OPI Living programs this is accomplished by “weaving” together:
Our highly therapeutic program, including group and individual psychotherapy, psychiatric management of medications, one-to-one life skills training, special groups (Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy), etc.
The choices each young adult makes for how he/she wants to start moving forward in the real world.
This is the best decision ever. I can feel it, I can see it, there is a list of my own goals, and you know, this time I know I am not going to the hospital again and putting my life on hold. You coached me how to go to my goals and dreams.
Getting Started
We start this exciting process of engaging Prospective participants with the simple packet of information we send (or e-mail) to them, if everyone agrees it is appropriate to do so. This accompanies the informational packet that is sent to parents/sponsors.
But it serves a greater purpose:
It helps that young person to start thinking “Maybe this is FINALLY where I can start figuring out what I want to do with my life.”
The young adult’s packet includes a questionnaire that asks questions such as:
Customized Life Plan
Upon joining OPI, they immediately meet with our Departments of Educational Services, Career Development, Volunteer Services and Extra Curricular Activities to establish THEIR part of their Individualized Treatment Plan (ITP).
Where appropriate, we help them make arrangements for finishing high school or decide what college courses to take and how to enroll. We help them get a part time job or begin a career path. What kind of volunteer work do they want to do? What do they like to do for fun? (Parents/sponsors are involved in this decision-making).
In some ways, each participant’s schedule is different from any other (because it focuses on their individual goals) and their schedules are the same (everyone is in individual and group psychotherapy, one-to-one life skills training, etc.).
The result is to be able to communicate and feel a supportive connection and love for one’s self, peers and family: This ultimately is what we hope to achieve through our participant/team interaction and the multiple opportunities that exist at OPI and the greater Los Angeles Community.