Posts by Jenny Bell Martin, M.S.
Denim Day: Make a social statement with your fashion statement
This year, Denim Day is Wednesday, April 26. Grab your denim and help support the sexual violence prevention education campaign. Why denim you ask? Denim Day grew out of an Italian Supreme Court decision that overturned a rape conviction because the victim wore tight jeans. The Italian Supreme Court claimed that because the victim was wearing…
Read MoreMindfullness Refresher Video
With the holidays approaching us, OPI thought this would be a great time to review the basics of DBT with some short videos. We started with the mindfulness module and the first video is about the states of mind. Stay tuned for more!
Read MoreDBT Temporary Tattoos – An Artistically Skillful Choice
Here at Optimum Performance Institute, and in our OPI Intensive for young adults with Borderline Personality Disorder and BPD traits, we are constantly seeking new resources and materials to keep our participants engaged in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) both in and out of the office. We recently received several copies of The Dialectical Behavior Therapy…
Read MoreMost Helpful DBT Skills
In Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), the Emotion Regulation module’s main points are: learning about emotions, changing emotional responses, and finding ways to reduce vulnerabilities to Emotion Mind. Learning and practicing these skills help support emotion management, bring awareness to vulnerabilities, and encourage us to accumulate positive emotions and experiences to build a life worth living.…
Read MorePaddle Boarding for Mindfulness (DBT)
For the past year, paddle boarding has become my favorite mindfulness experience during which I balance mind and body. It allows me to turn off the chatter in mind that is constantly making lists, assessing what I need to do, and worrying about the future. I am able to fully focus one-mindfully, a skill in…
Read MoreImproving Job Chances: Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Tips
Okay, so you made the decision to look for a summer job, and you’ve narrowed down your list of the top 20 locations you want to apply to first. The only thing stopping you from an awesome discount and your paycheck is the whole application process. What you think would take you less than 20…
Read MoreNCDA 2015: DBT Skills in Career Counseling
OPI’s Career and Volunteer Department staff were fortunate to start the month of July in the beautiful state of Colorado attending the National Career Development Association (NCDA) annual conference. We had the opportunity to participate in outdoor adventures, explore downtown Denver, and acquire invaluable information while the conference. Similar to last year, we were able…
Read MoreOPI’s First Annual Alumni Weekend
At OPI, we take an interest in the ongoing progress of participants, beyond their completion of our program. Since we started our OPI alumni newsletter in 2011, the idea of an alumni weekend to bring everyone together and catch up is something that I have wanted to plan for years. It feels like all that…
Read MoreCalming the Terrible Twos Using DBT Skills
There is that look that I have come to know well in my toddler…the one where the smile starts to turn down, the lip starts to quiver, the face starts to redden, and that first tear runs down the cheek. There is that moment of panic as I wait to see how this will turn…
Read MoreDBT FAST Skills: A Real Life Example
Recently while brunching with a friend, she was telling me about her upcoming trip to Europe. She was going to France for a school trip, and her classmates were going to continue on to Greece for a couple of days after. She shared that she recently made the decision to not travel to Greece after…
Read MoreSobriety: A Realistic Way of Life for Young Adults
“I was so inspired, because I personally know the owner of the skate apparel company, and a few years ago his life was so different than it is today. The art show came just days after his one year sobriety birthday, and he was able to create and follow through with this project because of…
Read MoreGuidelines for Relationship Effectiveness: Keeping a Relationship Using DBT GIVE Skills
My college roommate worked for the on-campus police substation, and as you can imagine they worked with a variety of students, professionals, and even the local community. More often than not, they were visiting the substation to complain about tickets, requesting a vehicle release, or reporting crimes. Watching her handle the never-ending line of disgruntled…
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