Bipolar and BPD Intervention: Beyond Diagnosis to The Whole Person
Dear Dr. Bob,
My daughter is now in her early twenties. Since adolescence, she struggled with shifts in moods, problems in school (she’s incredibly bright but had a hard time following through), and she tends to isolate herself, which contributes to her depression and low self-esteem. She’s been diagnosed as bipolar and is on meds that seem to help some of the time (when she’s actually willing to take them), but I recently came across a description of borderline personality disorder and see a lot of her behaviors fitting the bill for that as well. What can I do as a parent to support her and make sure she’s getting the help she really needs?
Mom Who Needs Direction
The situation above is not uncommon. As a psychiatrist, I have come cross this scenario time and time again over the years. If you are a parent who can relate to this Mom in any way with regards to your own daughter or son, read on.
While there is often a lot of overlap between the experiences of someone diagnosed with bipolar and someone diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, there are also many distinctions. A comprehensive evaluation of a young adult to accurately determine his or her condition means the difference between ongoing needless suffering and receiving potentially life changing intervention and treatment.
I invite you to join me for a free online educational webinar. I will offer a Q&A session at the end, so you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers.
My special guest will be Debbie Corso of Healing From BPD, a young woman now in recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder. She will share how she had previously been misdiagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar, how meds for that condition did not work for her, and how a proper diagnosis led to treatment that helped her heal.
Please be sure to join me for this important free online event:
Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder:
Beyond the Diagnosis to the Whole Person
Saturday, October 11, 2014 at 10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern / 6 pm London
We’ll discuss:
• Some of the similarities (example: black or white/all or nothing thinking) and distinct differences (example: manic episodes and profound depressive episodes vs. day-to-day mood swings)
between bipolar and borderline personality disorder (BPD)
• Biological and Environmental contributors in both disorders
• The very different roles medication play in bipolar vs. BPD (including why individuals with bipolar often receive “cocktails” of medications that change over time and
why meds for bipolar typically aren’t very effective at treating BPD)
• In addition to medication, some of the most effective therapies and treatments for bipolar and BPD (meds alone are not sufficient for a building a life worth living)
• Why treating the whole person, not just the diagnosis, matters in recovery outcomes
• Q&A with psychiatrist Dr. Robert Fischer of Optimum Performance Institute
Space is limited. To attend this free, educational event, please CLICK HERE to RSVP. I look forward to connecting with you on this very important topic.
Kind regards,
Dr. Robert Fischer
Co-Founder /Executive Director
Optimum Performance Institute / OPI Intensive
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA, School Of Medicine
Dept. Of Psychoneuroimmunology, Mindful Awareness Research Center