Ben Moroski men bpd 1

A Prescription for Happiness (Ben’s Story) Part I

Ben Moroski men bpd 1Hollywood loves great stories, and the world premiere of The Wake is one. The press deemed it “an event,” and it was. This highly anticipated new play from acclaimed writer/performer Ben Moroski was an instant success at the Hollywood Fringe Festival. The Wake broke new ground for storytelling and put Ben in the spotlight. But for him, doing this play isn’t just about making headlines or being center stage. The stakes are higher.

Writing and performing are part of his recovery from extremely debilitating depression. He has found that committing to the creative work becomes a natural gateway to reconnect with the essential part of himself that is fearless, hopeful, and willing to keep trying no matter the circumstances. For Ben, creating new work is essential to creating a life worth living. It’s the difference between hopelessness and happiness, between feeling lost and feeling connected to a purpose. It’s the difference between crippling depression and feeling a daily sense of hope and wonder. Continuing to do this creative work is his daily reprieve, his medicine. It’s a daily prescription for happiness.

But he didn’t always know this.

Less than three years ago, Ben was living a very different life. When he came to Southern California in January of 2012, he was at a bottom. He came to OPI Intensive at the Optimum Performance Institute (OPI) as it has a high success rate treating very debilitating depression. He soon learned OPI doesn’t just treat a diagnosis; it treats life. OPI helps participants create lives they love. As Ben shares, “It was about being comfortable with who I am and what I want to pursue…It is about setting goals and setting a path to living a life that you love.”

Click HERE to continue reading Ben’s story of transformation and triumph.

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