Show & Tell Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Workshop: Creating Your Future

The act of producing creativity is often a lonely journey filled with boundless possibilities and subjective results and yet the words often attached to ideas, the inspiration of creative expression, involve external objects. We float ideas and bounce them off sounding boards. Fundamentally, for a solitary idea to come to life and flourish, it often…

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You Are Your Choices, Even the Ones You’re Afraid to Make

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As I attempt to expand on psychologist Barry Swartz’s work on the ‘Paradox of Choice,’ I am aware that you could spend the next three minutes online reading about any topic you could imagine. Entering those three words quoted above into a search box, I am met with 3.7 million results right at my fingertips;…

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A Journey through the Four Stages of Learning (Developed by Noel Burch)

four stages learning failure to launch

Walk alongside the team at Optimum Performance Institute as we explain the Four Stages of Learning and how we impact young people at every step along their life’s journey. First, imagine as if you were a 10-month old baby. If just for a moment, envision yourself in those shoes, or booties if you will. Peering…

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Like College, Just without the Late-Night Pizza

college anxiety failure to launch OPI

Creating an environment for young adults where working through past mistakes or forging positively focused experiences and then turning them into effective life habits is what Optimum Performance Institute is all about. With most of our participants being of the college-going age, OPI’s education department plays a considerable role in this effort to assist these…

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