OPI Living Surf Club

OPI Surf Club: Catching the Waves of the California Coast

OPI Living Surf ClubFortunately, the Optimum Performance Institute, is located only a few miles from the beautiful beaches of Southern California. With warm, sunny weather and ample interest among our current group of participants, OPI has recently launched its first ever surf club. Several staff members have been assisting participants with riding the waves each week. For some, this has been their first encounter with a surfboard. The club not only serves as an enjoyable group activity, but also as a meaningful, mindful experience out in the Pacific Ocean.

The surf club is run through our Department of Extracurricular Activities, and while it is not therapeutic in purpose, participants often find themselves having a therapeutic experience. Surfing is an activity that naturally lends itself to moderating emotional stress and physical issues.

One of our group leaders believes that, “…mindfulness plays a very important role, even after the initial experience. Surfing offers such a rich, sensory experience: the dry salt on your body and face, the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the water, the sounds of the waves and seagulls, the softness of the sand. There is also the excitement during the ride there and the relaxing/calming effect of the return home.”

Overall, surfing can be symbolic for the freedom and confidence that comes with transitioning toward independence, which is an over-arching goal for all our participants at OPI.

We are anticipating a hot summer in 2014 and looking forward to many opportunities for our participants to catch some waves.

Check out more information about other Groups, Clubs & Workshops offered by OPI Living!

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