OPI Re-conceptualizes Volunteering Program

Because we recently re-conceptualized our Volunteering Program at OPI, Participants as well as staff have been seen serving food at the Midnight Mission, wrapping presents at the Boys and Girls Club and exchanging goodies as part of our “Do a Good Deed Month”.

Volunteering has always been part of OPI. But until recently it was conceptualized as an individual process. While OPI participants are still encouraged to volunteer individually Altesa Hatcher, our new Volunteer and Career Coordinator, is bringing a new twist to the program.

Altesa was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Rutgers University and a Master’s of Fine Arts from New School University in Manattan. She says, “I love bringing people together for a common purpose or goal. I love motivating and building morale.”

Because Altesa stresses the community aspect of service, OPI participants now have the opportunity to serve those less fortunate than themselves as a community. In the process they also have the opportunity to serve each other as well.

Altesa generally organizes one activity per month in which the entire OPI community (participants and staff) volunteer their time and services. This is especially valuable to the many OPI residents who work or go to school full time who may not have the time to dedicate to a weekly volunteering commitment.

It was in November that we visited the Midnight Mission. Located near the infamous Skid Row in Los Angeles, the Midnight Mission, established in 1914, operates a homeless shelter and drug rehabilitation program for men.

Altesa prepared the residents in advance for the outing with a group exercise that dealt directly with homelessness. At first the participants were reluctant but their reluctance turned to curiosity when they arrived at the mission to see the street lined with homemade tents and shopping carts. In the courtyard of the mission OPI participants came face to face with men, women, and children of all races and ages seeking shelter from the streets.

As we donned our aprons and hairnets and received directions from our supervisor, reluctance and apprehension turned to excitement. That day OPI residents helped serve nearly 1,000 homeless men, women, and children. By the end of the experience many of us wanted to go back and so we will be return to volunteer there again this month.

In December, OPI Participants and Staff volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club, wrapping holiday gifts for underprivileged children.

Altesa declared February as “Do A Good Deed Month” in order to highlight the importance of serving people in our everyday lives. She asked residents and staff to brighten someone’s day by doing a good deed. Everyone picked names out of a hat and was encouraged to do something for that person to make them feel good such as writing a letter, making a card, picking flowers, baking cookies, or writing a poem.

OPI still encourages participants to volunteer weekly at the charity or non profit organization of their choice and OPI participants currently volunteer at animal shelters, libraries, and children’s programs.

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