Happy Holidays from OPI Living

Happy Holidays from OPI Living!

It has come to the end of another wonderful year here at the Optimum Performance Institute and with our specialized OPI Intensive, which celebrated the completion of its inaugural year in 2012 as a new and vital part of the OPI Living family of programs.

During the busyness of the holiday season, we always make sure to reflect on the past year’s experiences and celebrate the dedication and teamwork of our Administrative and On Site Staff members. Our annual OPI Living holiday party gives us a chance to do these things, as well as enjoy a delicious meal together, participate in the all around favorite White Elephant Game and enjoy each other’s company in a stress-free, festive holiday setting.

Each year we enjoy decorating our offices with holiday items from several holidays being celebrated by staff and participants alike. See our festive decorations in our OPI Living Facebook photo album.

At OPI we have the unique privilege of working with many participants and families, some of whom do not celebrate either Christmas or Hanukkah. But since all of us strive toward finding and experiencing joy and sharing it with others, may this holiday season be one more opportunity to share that sense of hope and a wish for peace for all of us.

Here’s to a wonderful winter season for all and a classic song and video to enjoy the spirit of the season that we wanted to share. We look forward to having you connect or visit with us in 2013.

Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

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