Lital Joselovitch OPI Living Clinical herapist

Q & A with Lital Joselovitch, MA, MFT – Clinical Therapist for OPI Living Programs

Lital Joselovitch OPI Living Clinical herapistNot long ago, Clinical Therapist Lital Joselovitch took the time to share with us some of her inspiring experiences with OPI Living Clinical Services, providing counseling for young adults in the OPI Living Programs, including the Optimum Performance Institute, specialized OPI Intensive and our Intensive Outpatient Program.

Q: Lital, what have you learned from the participants?

A: I have learned resiliency, patience and self-discovery.

Q: How have you motivated, inspired, and supported our participants?

A: By being authentic, accepting them for who they are rather than what they “should be,” practicing what I preach, and seeing the good in every one of them, even when others have given up.

Q: Have you been inspired by our participants?

A: Yes, I have. One participant in particular has inspired me to continue working on my core schema and familial patterns. In turn, I am able to be more empathetic in sessions with others.

Q: Over time, what changes have you observed in the young adults you counsel?

A: I have seen a breadth of changes within participants. I have seen their struggles and I have witnessed participants becoming independent adults, making decisions they most likely did not think they were capable of making six months ago. Those participants’ changes have inspired others to hold on to hope. I believe that sense of hope motivates them to make small changes, which then progress into bigger changes that positively impact their lives and choices.

Q: Any follow-up from participants?

A: Yes, there are at least two participants who continue to follow up with me, sharing their recent accomplishments and developments. I really appreciate hearing from them and knowing I helped support their ongoing success.

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