Eating Disorders
Do you engage in frequent episodes of uncontrolled and continuous eating followed by purging in secret? Do you typically eat when not hungry, spend a lot of time and thought devoted to food, secretly plan or fantasize about eating alone?
Suffering from an eating disorder of any type – bulimia, binge eating, compulsive overeating, and food addiction – is painful for the individual. Often they feel isolated, alone, and hopeless, and move through their life burdened with deep feelings of shame and guilt. They can experience extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues. Their weight may be excessive.
Young adults living with borderline personality disorder (BPD) have a greater prevalence of eating disorders than young people in the general population. For each person, there may be a wide variety of reasons for developing an eating disorder.
Genetic and biological predispositions can contribute to the onset of an eating disorder. Another possible explanation is that BPD and eating disorders (particularly bulimia) have a common risk factor; both are associated with histories of childhood trauma, such as physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, and neglect. It could be that having a history of childhood trauma puts one at greater risk for both BPD and eating disorders. Some experts have suggested that it may be that the symptoms of BPD put one at risk for developing an eating disorder.
OPI Intensive’s clinical and therapeutic team is experienced in the guiding and supporting of individual, customized treatment programs. We are deeply familiar with the process of helping each participant access his or her core challenges expressed through the behavior of eating disorders and make effective life changes.
The objectives of our OPI Intensive are to help participants learn to internalize and regulate their emotional responses to life in real life, and to help them move forward in life toward their personal direction, goals, passion, and joy.