Helicopter Parenting and Failure to Launch

Helicopter Parenting failure to launch

We all have hopes and dreams for our children. We believe we know what is best for them, and we go out of our way to make it happen. We bend rules, seek guidance, try to find loop holes to make our youngsters “better” than we are – more successful, to have more options, more…

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OCD and Overcoming Failure to Launch Syndrome


Imagine worrying endlessly about your safety. Whenever you try to relax one question springs forward: am I in danger? This endless worrying causes you to arrive late for events and leave early out of insecurity. Perhaps, your only way to combat the unshakeable notion that you are in danger is to constantly confirm that you…

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The Connection between Bipolar Disorder and Failure to Launch Syndrome

bipolar failure to launch syndrome

To understand how bipolar disorder and Failure to Launch Syndrome are connected, one must first understand them separately. Bipolar Disorder is classified as a manic-depressive illness. It causes intense mood shifts in one’s everyday life. This is different than commonly experienced highs and lows. Bipolar Disorder moods range from mania, evidenced by extreme happiness, hyperactivity,…

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