Proud of our Volunteer Work

Back in January of this year, we decided to start tracking our volunteer hours and now that we are nearing the end of 2015, we are so proud to report that all tracks of OPI have a combined total of contribute 2,108 hours of service through individual commitments and with our community service.

As mentioned in the past, being of service is a huge part of OPI and relates to so many aspects of the program. Aside from having our OPI community be a part of the larger Los Angeles community, it really helps our participants to gain a sense of purpose, build confidence, experience new things, maintain a commitment, and a sense of accomplishment. Keep reading to see how volunteering can work within the departments to serve other purposes.

  • Career and Volunteer Department: Participants can obtain experiences to add to a resume as well as obtain much needed references. Participants can explore job and/or career paths.
  • Education Department: Build experiences and get references for college applications.
  • Extracurricular Department: Can get discounted rates, free classes, or admission to awards shows, plays, musical performances and festivals. Volunteer opportunity can also inspire a new hobby .
  • Life Coaching Department: Assist with making and keeping a commitment.
  • Addictions Department: Aligns with the 12th step of the Big Book.
  • DBT Track: Wise Mind ACCEPTS- C is for contributing.

We are excited to start the new year with a clean slate and see if we can meet or even exceed 2015’s hours.

You can find our tracker at

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