New Meditation Club at OPI

New Meditation Club at OPI Explores Relaxation, Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Techniques

New Meditation Club at OPIWithin the past few months, OPI Living Program participants have started a Meditation Club, as one of the many activities available through the Department of Extracurricular Activities.

Each week, participants gather to meditate and explore various practices, such as listening to guided meditations by psychotherapists like Belleruth Naparstek and Mary Maddox. Other meditative exercises attempted by participants include tea light and mindfulness meditations; for example, using mindfulness to focus on candlelight while meditating.

Meditation is an age-old practice that helps calm the mind, body and spirit, reduces the effects of stress, promotes overall well-being and has been shown to have numerous health benefits. Participants continue to enjoy the new Meditation Club they started and are surely reaping the rewards of a regular calming practice.

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