7 Awesome Spring Cleaning & Organization Tips
It’s that time of year again. The days are getting longer, and the pollen count is getting higher. Time to dust off and clean out your stuff. If you’re anything like me, the thought of cleaning and organizing can feel like an annoying chore, one that I would easily like to avoid. However, below are some tips I’ve used to make the process as productive and painless as possible:
1.) Make a cleaning playlist.
Have some of your favorite upbeat and motivating songs to keep you moving and shaking.
2.) When in doubt, throw it out!
It can be tempting to hold on to old items, but ask yourself why you want to keep them. Often we keep things with memories that we may not be ready to let go of yet- despite their lack of function in the present moment. If possible, take a picture of the item so that you can still have the memory of it, without keeping the clutter. (There is a young woman in Japan who gets paid to help people de-clutter. Her rule is, “If the item doesn’t bring you joy, let it go.” Check out this short video.)
3.) File, File, File!
Invest in some accordion folders or a filing box. Go through those old papers, and get them in order. If there is one central location for paperwork, this will take some stress off your mind of wondering where you put important documents.
4.) Go through your closets with a friend.
Ask them to tell you honestly if you should keep certain clothing items or get rid of them. Sometimes we need outside eyes to help us. In exchange, you may give some of your old items to your friend or help them with their closet the following week.
5.) Utilize second-hand shops.
If you have some higher-end items, take a chance at selling them to second-hand retailers like Crossroads or Wasteland not far from OPI. You may be able to sell old jewelry to a consignment shop, or, post your old items on ebay and see what you can get. If those don’t work, try Goodwill or Salvation Army. Remember to ask them for a receipt, and you can count your donations as a tax write off!
6.) Bust the Dust!
Many people suffer from allergies that could be coming from their own living space. Do your best to dust in places that don’t immediately meet the eye. Often times dust, dust mites, germs, bacteria, and dirt build up there and can contribute to seasonal allergies and sinus problems.
7.) Clean out your email and social media.
Do a “purge” of old emails that have been cluttering up your inbox. Unsubscribe to newsletters you no longer read. Delete people from social media you do not have relationships with anymore. There is no need to know what your dentist’s daughter’s cousin had for lunch on Tuesday. This kind of pointless information takes up space and energy in your mind.
Spring season is a time of renewal, rebirth, beginning again, and new energy. Use this time to refresh yourself and your personal space, you will notice the difference in your liveliness!
At Optimum Performance Institute, we offer compassionate, clinically sophisticated intensive residential help for young adults who suffer from bipolar disorder, including genetic testing to determine the best course for medications as needed. Rather than a sterile, hospital-like environment, we offer beautiful accommodations in luxury apartments just outside of Los Angeles. At OPI, we treat the individual, not the diagnosis. We are a diverse community of passionate, highly skilled individuals working together with you to help you find your joy and express it. For more information on OPI residential programs and our measures to help young adults with Bipolar Disorder, call us at (888) 814-5985 or click HERE to submit an online form. We’ll be in touch promptly.