How can DBT help my depression and/or anxiety?

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I’ve been hearing from friends that you weren't doing so hot lately. It sounds like things are a little tough right now. College is stressful, I totally get that, and I’m a bit worried about you. You’ve felt a bit off, not like your old self. Last time I saw you, I felt like you were a bit edgy and maybe a bit distant. I also heard that you're starting some therapy work. I think that’s way cool. If you think people are judging you for that, don’t let it get to you. It’s all about being who you want to be and getting that stuff figured out. I went through some of that myself, and it’s worked out. I’d like to share some tips that helped me out. I get what it’s like to feel low and then freaked out all the time. It messes with you, and maybe worse, it messes with people around you. It gets in the way of your day to day, and the things you love. It’s terrible, especially when you find yourself lashing out at the people you care about most.

I also heard that you're starting some therapy work. I think that’s way cool. If you think people are judging you for that, don’t let it get to you. It’s all about being who you want to be and getting that stuff figured out. I went through some of that myself, and it’s worked out. I’d like to share some tips that helped me out. I get what it’s like to feel low and then freaked out all the time. It messes with you, and maybe worse, it messes with people around you. It gets in the way of your day to day, and the things you love. It’s terrible, especially when you find yourself lashing out at the people you care about most.

It’s terrible, especially when you find yourself lashing out at the people you care about most."

Have you heard of DBT? It’s a skill set you can use between therapy sessions to help control the freakouts and low times. You may want to check it out.

It helped me maintain good connections with people I care about. That was big for me. It helps me slow down, say what I actually mean, and hear what's actually being said to me. When I feel low, it helps me work my way back to a place where I can feel joy again in my life. DBT (it stands for dialectical behavioral therapy) teaches you how to control how you feel instead of letting how you feel control you.

When I’m having an episode and I feel freaked out, I walk myself through a DBT skill set and it starts to calm me down. I can actually work through the way I feel from one state to another. If I feel angry, I know what to do to turn it down, almost like a volume switch. It’s really helped me to cope between sessions while my therapist helps me deal with deeper issues.

You know how it is, you’ll be low and all you can think about is how much you hate yourself and how worthless you are, and then that plays out in real life. DBT helps me feel more in control and validated. I can see things as they actually are, not what the depression or anxiety is trying to force me to see. I can tolerate these negative thoughts and emotions so much better when I use DBT.

When I’m having an episode and I feel freaked out, I walk myself through a DBT skill set and it starts to calm me down."

I hope this helps. Maybe this won’t be right for you, but it’s an option to consider. It’s really helped me. I also came across this research that compared people using meds alone to treat depression with people who used meds and DBT. At six months post-treatment, 31% of those using only meds were in recovery, whereas 75% of individuals using both meds and DBT skills were in recovery. 1

I hope you know you’re not alone and you have support. I want you to feel better and I hope this helps.

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1 Lynch, T. R. "Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Depressed Older Adults: A Randomized Pilot Study." American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 11.1 (2003): 33-45. Print.