Self Esteem in Teens and Young Adults

Young adult with self esteem issues doesn't talk to friends at social gathering.

Teenagers and young adults today are facing unprecedented social pressures. Social media’s effects on young people, for example, with highlight reels of other people’s lives and photo filters showcasing unrealistic beauty standards can greatly impact a young person’s mental health. As a parent, you know that your teen or young adult is beautiful inside and…

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Independent Living Skills

Independent Living Skills For Young Adults

While the independent living skills required to make it through everyday life are second nature to many, no one is merely born with all of them. For most of us, we pick up on these skills as we grow up. During our formative childhood years, we model ourselves after parents and caregivers. For some, inconsistencies…

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Helicopter Parenting and Failure to Launch

Helicopter Parenting failure to launch

We all have hopes and dreams for our children. We believe we know what is best for them, and we go out of our way to make it happen. We bend rules, seek guidance, try to find loop holes to make our youngsters “better” than we are – more successful, to have more options, more…

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Techniques to Overcome Failure to Launch Syndrome  

overcoming ftls

Speaking with candor and eloquence, A.M. describes how she overcame Failure to Launch Syndrome by finding a passion in life (in A.M.’s case, it is music), engaging in cognitive behavioral therapy, and working with a life coach who helped her improve essential life skills. Initially confused by her attraction to women, A.M. eventually learned to accept…

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How the Golden Child Role Influences Failure to Launch  

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Perceptions of your role as the Golden Child in the family can have a negative effect on your ability to cope with the demands of adulthood. In A.M.’s informative video lecture, she explains how her family makeup influenced the adoption of that demanding role. She internalized the “Golden Child” role and instantly began trying to…

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Learned Hopelessness vs Learned Helplessness in Young Adults


The truth is, I don’t even know if learned hopelessness is a thing.  I tried to “Google” it, but I keep being pushed towards learned helplessness. I think the two concepts are different, and I use them in my sessions as if they are.  While working with my Participants, I often see signs of learned…

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Eating Disorders and Overcoming Failure to Launch Syndrome

Eating Disorders Failure to Launch

Are you concerned that your young adult child may be suffering from an eating disorder? Although the majority of individuals battling eating disorders are female, between 5 and 15% are male, according to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. If your daughter or son appears to have disordered eating patterns or body…

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Failure to Launch Syndrome – Radio Show Replay

overcoming failure to launch radio

Listen in as Robert Fischer, M.D., psychiatrist and Executive Director here at OPI, speaks about Failure to Launch Syndrome on the Dr. Kim Taylor Show. [youtube]   For more information on OPI’s residential and intensive outpatient (IOP Day Treatment) programs and our measures to help young adults overcome anxiety related Failure to Launch issues,…

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Laziness vs. a Failure to Launch into Adulthood

didnt get child i ordered kqed failure to launch

In response to a recent NPR perspectives “I didn’t Get the Child I Ordered.” You didn’t get into Stanford. Your parents think you didn’t work hard enough, and you think they see you as lazy. Grandma and Grandpa see you as lazy because your cousins had no problems getting into their first choice, top tier…

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Overcoming Failure to Launch Using Family Therapy: Creating a Space for Dialog (PT 3)

Family communication failure to launch OPI part 3

This post is part three in series.  Need to read parts one and two first? Part I: Active Communication Part 2: Creating Space for Active Listening Moving On Sometimes family sessions come to an impasse and it becomes more effective to move on, rather than continuing to escalate a disagreement. It is important to acknowledge…

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Overcoming Failure to Launch Using Family Therapy: Creating a Space for Dialog (PT 2)

Family communication failure to launch OPI part 2

PART II Creating Space for Active Listening (Haven’t read Part I yet? Click HERE to read it now, then come back to continue on.) Being able to actively listening means being able to create and hold a space where the individual feels safe and understood. Conversation takes time. To actively hear what someone is saying…

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