Disconnecting to Connect
At Optimum Performance Institute we treat the WHOLE person.
While this is a familiar phrase to most, what does “the whole person” actually mean?
What constitutes a whole human being? Most think of their minds and bodies as separate parts of a self, whereas treating the whole person means looking beyond a physical diagnosis and helping people to experience a mind-body connection. At OPI, we want to know what meaning our clients put on a diagnosis such as Borderline Personality Disorder. Do they perceive it in a strictly intellectual way?
Opening our minds as well as our hearts and exploring with our clients what they truly love as well as how they would like to live their lives is a critical part of our work at OPI.
Have you ever wondered to yourself “What am I made of?” Images of skin, bones and organs probably come to mind, but we are really much more than this. I am a believer that we are made with LOVE, UNDERSTANDING and COMPASSION. It may not seem like this when so many people are “out to get their own.” For example, we’ve all experienced drivers cutting us off on the freeway just to shave a few seconds from their commute times, and they make it hard for us to believe that people are made with love, understanding and compassion. The truth is that many of us have forgotten what it means to live a life of LOVE. It can be easy to forget when we are constantly connected to our smartphones and social media friends. Lately, what appears to be the norm is that everyone is connected to WiFi and disconnected from family and the world beyond themselves.
If you would like to change, or better yet, connect more fully with your whole self, resolve to do one thing differently for 30 days. Just one thing. It can be as simple as smiling at strangers you encounter or turning off your phone the next time you share a meal with a friend. If you are really serious, take a Facebook break. Then, observe what changes in your life. Do you feel more connected, more complete? Most people make resolutions on New Year’s Day, but why limit yourself? Every day in 2014 can bring a new start. As we say in the world of recovery, just take life ONE DAY AT A TIME.
Happy One Day At A Time,
Jacqueline Mullis